*** cron/	Tue Jan 29 23:06:36 2008
--- cron/	Tue Jan 29 23:15:21 2008
*** 16,22 ****
  # Every 5 mins, try to gate news to mail.  You can comment this one out
  # if you don't want to allow gating, or don't have any going on right now,
  # or want to exclusively use a callback strategy instead of polling.
! 0,5,10,15,20,25,30,35,40,45,50,55 * * * * @PYTHON@ -S @prefix@/cron/gate_news
  # At 3:27am every night, regenerate the gzip'd archive file.  Only
  # turn this on if the internal archiver is used and
--- 16,27 ----
  # Every 5 mins, try to gate news to mail.  You can comment this one out
  # if you don't want to allow gating, or don't have any going on right now,
  # or want to exclusively use a callback strategy instead of polling.
! # !!DANGEROUS!! Can gradually saturates slower machines (eg 686 300MHz) 
! #	with pythons & then ssh times out preventing login to recover,
! #	thus your server turns into a zombie needing {reset button +
! #	immediate login} before it zombies thrashing again.
! #	Fault seen by & others in 2003 & 2008.
! # 0,5,10,15,20,25,30,35,40,45,50,55 * * * * @PYTHON@ -S @prefix@/cron/gate_news
  # At 3:27am every night, regenerate the gzip'd archive file.  Only
  # turn this on if the internal archiver is used and
2003 I need to hack up a diff for 
2003 >Category:       ports
2003 >Responsible:    freebsd-ports-bugs
2003 >Synopsis:       ports/mail/mailman /var/cron/tabs/mailman thrashes system
2003 >Arrival-Date:   Tue Apr 08 14:00:35 PDT 2003
2003 Problem Report ports/50736
2003 ports/mail/mailman /var/cron/tabs/mailman thrashes system
2003 Confidential
2003 no Severity
2003 critical Priority
2003 medium Responsible
2003 State
2003 open Class
2003 change-request Submitter-Id
2003 current-users Arrival-Date
2003 Tue Apr 08 14:00:35 PDT 2003 Last-Modified
2003 never Originator
2003 "Julian H. Stacey"  Release
2003 FreeBSD 4.7-RELEASE i386 Organization
2003 FreeBSD
2003 Environment
2003 System: FreeBSD 4.7-RELEASE FreeBSD 4.7-RELEASE #0: Thu Mar  6 14:41:40 GMT 2003     root@wind:/usr/obj/usr/src/sys/GENERIC  i386
2003 	On a physically Very small backup host (size of a book - hence
2003 	still in use though just a 386 !) ...
2003 	dmesg:
2003 		CPU: i386DX (386-class CPU)
2003 			# "SX 33" on chip, though dmesg reports "DX"
2003 		real memory  = 16646144 (16256K bytes)
2003 		avail memory = 11235328 (10972K bytes)
2003 		ad0: 4134MB <IBM-DCAA-34330> [8400/16/63] at ata0-master BIOSPIO
2003 How-To-Repeat
2003  cd /usr/ports/mail/mailman; xs make install
2003 	on any slow or loaded machine, where presumably the qrunner
2003 	takes longer than one minute to run, wait for qrunners to
2003 	build up, the disc to thrash, & finally if you don't catch
2003 	it in time, you cant even remote login in to reboot, as
2003 	ssh times out. A pruned `ps -laxww is appended'
2003 --------
2003     0   291   109  14  -6  0  1040   72 piperd I     ??    0:00.09 cron: running job (cron)
2003    91   292   291  44  10  0   628    0 wait   IWs   ??    0:00.00 /bin/sh -c /usr/local/bin/python2.2 -S /usr/local/mailman/cron/qrunner
2003    91   293   292  94  39  0  4832  808 -      R     ??    0:33.51 /usr/local/bin/python2.2 -S /usr/local/mailman/cron/qrunner
2003     0   296   109  13  -6  0  1040   72 piperd I     ??    0:00.07 cron: running job (cron)
2003     0   297   109  11  -6  0  1040   72 piperd I     ??    0:00.08 cron: running job (cron)
2003    91   298   297  45  10  0   628    0 wait   IWs   ??    0:00.00 /bin/sh -c /usr/local/bin/python2.2 -S /usr/local/mailman/cron/gate_news
2003    91   299   296  45  10  0   628    0 wait   IWs   ??    0:00.00 /bin/sh -c /usr/local/bin/python2.2 -S /usr/local/mailman/cron/qrunner
2003    91   302   298 100  40  0  4488 1060 -      R     ??    0:24.39 /usr/local/bin/python2.2 -S /usr/local/mailman/cron/gate_news
2003    91   303   299 119  42  0  4452 1144 -      R     ??    0:24.82 /usr/local/bin/python2.2 -S /usr/local/mailman/cron/qrunner
2003     0   307   109 101  -6  0  1040   72 piperd I     ??    0:00.06 cron: running job (cron)
2003    91   309   307 130  10  0   628    0 wait   IWs   ??    0:00.00 /bin/sh -c /usr/local/bin/python2.2 -S /usr/local/mailman/cron/qrunner
2003    91   310   309 100  40  0  4064  836 -      R     ??    0:18.46 /usr/local/bin/python2.2 -S /usr/local/mailman/cron/qrunner
2003     0   314   109  13  -6  0  1040   72 piperd I     ??    0:00.08 cron: running job (cron)
2003    91   315   314  55  10  0   628    0 wait   IWs   ??    0:00.00 /bin/sh -c /usr/local/bin/python2.2 -S /usr/local/mailman/cron/qrunner
2003    91   316   315  94  39  0  2864 1024 -      R     ??    0:12.68 /usr/local/bin/python2.2 -S /usr/local/mailman/cron/qrunner
2003     0   324   109  76  -6  0  1040   76 piperd I     ??    0:00.06 cron: running job (cron)
2003    91   325   324 115  10  0   628    0 wait   IWs   ??    0:00.00 /bin/sh -c /usr/local/bin/python2.2 -S /usr/local/mailman/cron/qrunner
2003    91   326   325 109 -22  0  2440  920 -      RL    ??    0:08.68 /usr/local/bin/python2.2 -S /usr/local/mailman/cron/qrunner
2003     0   333   109  14  -6  0  1040   76 piperd I     ??    0:00.07 cron: running job (cron)
2003    91   334   333  52  10  0   628    0 wait   IWs   ??    0:00.00 /bin/sh -c /usr/local/bin/python2.2 -S /usr/local/mailman/cron/qrunner
2003    91   335   334 104  41  0  2224  876 -      R     ??    0:04.16 /usr/local/bin/python2.2 -S /usr/local/mailman/cron/qrunner
2003     0   340   109  15  -6  0  1040  260 piperd S     ??    0:00.10 cron: running job (cron)
2003     0   341   109  19  -6  0  1040  252 piperd S     ??    0:00.11 cron: running job (cron)
2003    91   342   340  59  10  0   628   68 wait   Ss    ??    0:00.42 /bin/sh -c /usr/local/bin/python2.2 -S /usr/local/mailman/cron/qrunner
2003    91   343   341  60  10  0   628   60 wait   Ss    ??    0:00.44 /bin/sh -c /usr/local/bin/python2.2 -S /usr/local/mailman/cron/gate_news
2003    91   345   343  89  39  0  1892  852 -      R     ??    0:00.69 /usr/local/bin/python2.2 -S /usr/local/mailman/cron/gate_news
2003    91   346   342  88  39  0  1892  888 -      R     ??    0:00.70 /usr/local/bin/python2.2 -S /usr/local/mailman/cron/qrunner
2003 --------
2003 Fix
2003 Reduce the aggresive default /var/cron/tabs/mailman entries below:
2003 		# Every 5 mins, try to gate news to maila	\
2003 			.  You can comment this one out
2003 		0,5,10,15,20,25,30,35,40,45,50,55 * * * *	\
2003 		  /usr/local/bin/python2.2 -S /usr/local/mailman/cron/gate_news
2003 		# Retry failed deliveries once per minute.  
2003 		* * * * * /usr/local/bin/python2.2 -S \
2003 			/usr/local/mailman/cron/qrunner
2003 	Comment out gate_news by default, to match
2003 	the admin web page, which also has news gating off by default.
2003 	Change qrunner to 5 * * * * or 10 * * * *
2003 	The few people that want a fast list can reduce it manually.
2003 	An agressive 1 minute machine thrasher is not nice.
2003 -------------
2003  > Johann Visagie wrote:
2003  > While I agree with the argument, I should point out that mail/mailman merely
2003  > installs the crontab as distributed with Mailman, and thereby emulates a user
2003  > following instructions in Mailman's INSTALL file to the letter whilst doing
2003  > a manual install.
2003  > > Shouldn't this matter rather be taken up with the Mailman developers, rather
2003  > than trying to fix it in ports?
2003  Thanks. Yes, it would be best if Mailman developers fix their generic
2003  in their next release if they want to.  (If they don't I'd appreciate
2003  if you patch it for FreeBSD later though).  I haven't contacted the
2003  Mailman developers [yet]: As the designated MAINTAINER= in Makefile,
2003  I thought I'd funnel it through you first (but send-pr it too, as
2003  it literaly killed all my server net connectivity).  Should I contact
2003  Mailman developers or will you ?  (I'd prefer you to, if willing ?  :-)
2003  Julian
2003 -------------------------
2003 Date: Fri, 1 Aug 2003 12:33:57 -0700 (PDT)
2003 From: Norikatsu Shigemura <nork @>
2003 Message-Id: <200308011933.h71JXvoa075562 @>
2003 To: jhs @, nork @, nork @
2003 Subject: Re: ports/50736: ports/mail/mailman /var/cron/tabs/mailman thrashes system
2003 Synopsis: ports/mail/mailman /var/cron/tabs/mailman thrashes system
2003 State-Changed-From-To: open->closed
2003 State-Changed-By: nork
2003 State-Changed-When: Fri Aug 1 12:33:41 PDT 2003
2003 State-Changed-Why: 
2003 Maybe fixed.
2003 ------- End of Forwarded Message

2008 5 years on !!

Ref "Maybe fixed." from Norikatsu Shigemura <nork @> 1 Aug 2003 
It is Not fixed, 
Its just bitten me again, on 
   7.0-PRERELEASE Tue Jan 29 22:57:22 CET 2008
	CPU: Pentium II/Pentium II Xeon/Celeron (298.54-MHz 686-class CPU)
	  Origin = "GenuineIntel"  Id = 0x634  Stepping = 4
	real memory  = 33554432 (32 MB)
	avail memory = 27496448 (26 MB)
	Device          1K-blocks     Used    Avail Capacity
	/dev/ad0s1b        307200    67532   239668    22%
   Note this machines load was a background fsck on pass 2 achieving
   just 1% per minute progress, as pythons slowed it down, though
   curiously top showed lots of spare CPU (not true though as killing
   pythons restored performance) Only other thing was this host gad
   sendmail running but had not yet had its configured properly.

I also suspect mailman of locking up my 7.0-BETA3 ~ 10 days ago.
ls -l /var/cron/tabs/mailman
crontab -e -u mailman
#	0,5,10,15,20,25,30,35,40,45,50,55 * * * * /usr/local/bin/python2.5 -S
s/0,5,10,15,20,25,30,35,40,45,50,55/## EVIL! &/
last pid:  1492;  load averages:  0.15,  0.12,  0.09  up 0+00:49:53    18:45:27
78 processes:  1 running, 66 sleeping, 11 stopped

Mem: 4928K Active, 104K Inact, 13M Wired, 668K Cache, 4048K Buf, 8K Free
Swap: 300M Total, 66M Used, 234M Free, 21% Inuse

 1180 root            1   8    4  7008K   264K nanslp   0:13  0.00% fsck_ufs
 1359 root            1 -20    4 11412K    16K STOP     0:08  0.00% cc1
 1366 mailman         1 -20    0  9840K   404K swread   0:05  0.00% python2.5
 1384 mailman         1 -20    0  9840K   272K swread   0:05  0.00% python2.5
 1311 root            1   8    4  8032K     0K STOP     0:04  0.00% <make>
 1393 mailman         1 -20    0  9732K  1040K swread   0:04  0.00% python2.5
  809 bind            4  96    0 17124K    44K select   0:04  0.00% named
 1413 mailman         1 -20    0  9656K   296K swread   0:03  0.00% python2.5
  874 root            1  96    0  5848K   360K select   0:03  0.00% sendmail
 1428 mailman         1 -20    0  8608K   792K swread   0:02  0.00% python2.5
 1455 mailman         1 -20    0  7496K   868K swread   0:02  0.00% python2.5
  630 root            1  96    0  3072K     0K select   0:01  0.00% <amd>
 1222 root            1  20    0  3936K     0K pause    0:01  0.00% <csh>
 1470 mailman         1 -20    0  7388K  1060K swread   0:01  0.00% python2.5
  954 root            1  96    0  3124K     0K select   0:01  0.00% <rlogind>
  527 root            1  96    0  3124K     0K select   0:01  0.00% <syslogd>
  957 jhs             1  20    0  2912K     0K pause    0:00  0.00% <csh>
 1047 root            1   5    0  2912K     0K ttyin    0:00  0.00% <csh>
 6:46PM  up 50 mins, 3 users, load averages: 0.05, 0.09, 0.08
At this point it was running ever slowe till I killed the ever growing pytons shown below.
ps -lax
    0     0     0   0 -20  0     0     0 -      WLs   ??    0:00.01 [swapper]
    0     1     0   0   8  0  1888     8 wait   ILs   ??    0:00.03 /sbin/init --
    0     2     0   0  -8  0     0     8 -      DL    ??    0:00.11 [g_event]
    0     3     0   0  -8  0     0     8 -      DL    ??    0:02.69 [g_up]
    0     4     0   0  -8  0     0     8 -      DL    ??    0:02.00 [g_down]
    0     5     0   0   8  0     0     8 -      DL    ??    0:00.00 [kqueue taskq]
    0     6     0   0  -8  0     0     8 ccb_sc DL    ??    0:00.00 [xpt_thrd]
    0     7     0   0   8  0     0     8 -      DL    ??    0:00.00 [thread taskq]
    0     8     0   0  -8  0     0     8 -      DL    ??    0:00.01 [fdc0]
    0     9     0   0 -68  0     0    16 waitin DL    ??    0:00.00 [sctp_iterator]
    0    10     0   0 -16  0     0     8 audit_ DL    ??    0:00.00 [audit]
    0    11     0 295 171  0     0     8 -      RL    ??    4:27.72 [idle: cpu0]
    0    12     0   1 -32  0     0     8 -      WL    ??    0:01.37 [swi4: clock sio]
    0    13     0   0 -36  0     0     8 -      WL    ??    0:00.00 [swi3: vm]
    0    14     0   0 -44  0     0     8 -      WL    ??    0:00.08 [swi1: net]
    0    15     0   0 -16  0     0     8 -      DL    ??    0:00.34 [yarrow]
    0    16     0   0 -24  0     0     8 -      WL    ??    0:00.00 [swi6: task queue]
    0    17     0   0 -40  0     0     8 -      WL    ??    0:00.00 [swi2: cambio]
    0    18     0   0 -28  0     0     8 -      WL    ??    0:00.00 [swi5: +]
    0    19     0   0 -24  0     0     8 -      WL    ??    0:00.00 [swi6: Giant taskq]
    0    20     0   0 -64  0     0     8 -      WL    ??    0:01.24 [irq14: ata0]
    0    21     0   0 -64  0     0     8 -      WL    ??    0:00.03 [irq15: ata1]
    0    22     0   0 -68  0     0     8 -      WL    ??    0:00.19 [irq11: xl0 uhci0]
    0    23     0   0   8  0     0     8 usbevt DL    ??    0:00.00 [usb0]
    0    24     0   0   8  0     0     8 usbtsk DL    ??    0:00.00 [usbtask-hc]
    0    25     0   0   8  0     0     8 usbtsk DL    ??    0:00.00 [usbtask-dr]
    0    26     0   0 -60  0     0     8 -      WL    ??    0:00.00 [irq1: atkbd0]
    0    27     0   0 -60  0     0     8 -      WL    ??    0:00.00 [irq7: ppbus0 ppc0]
    0    28     0   0 -48  0     0     8 -      WL    ??    0:00.00 [swi0: sio]
    0    29     0   1 -16  0     0     8 psleep DL    ??    0:03.17 [pagedaemon]
    0    30     0   0  20  0     0     8 psleep DL    ??    0:00.10 [vmdaemon]
    0    31     0   0 171  0     0     8 pgzero DL    ??    0:00.00 [pagezero]
    0    32     0   0 -16  0     0     8 psleep DL    ??    0:00.70 [bufdaemon]
    0    33     0   0  20  0     0     8 syncer DL    ??    0:00.08 [syncer]
    0    34     0   0  -4  0     0     8 vlruwt DL    ??    0:00.01 [vnlru]
    0    35     0   0 -16  0     0     8 sdflus DL    ??    0:00.04 [softdepflush]
    0    36     0   0  12  0     0     8 -      DL    ??    0:00.07 [schedcpu]
    0   162     1   0  20  0  1888     0 pause  IWs   ??    0:00.00 adjkerntz -i
    0   447     1   0  96  0  1888     0 select IWs   ??    0:00.00 /sbin/devd
    0   527     1   0  96  0  3124    40 select Is    ??    0:00.11 /usr/sbin/syslogd -l /var/run/log -l /var/named/var/run/log -s
    0   611     1   0  96  0  3152    48 select Is    ??    0:00.05 /usr/sbin/rpcbind
    0   630     1   0  96  0  3072   104 select Is    ??    0:00.14 /usr/sbin/amd -p -l syslog -n -r -t 3 -w 12 /host /etc/
    0   678     1   5  96  0  3124     0 select IWs   ??    0:00.00 /usr/sbin/mountd -r
    0   680     1  16  98  0  3072     0 select IWs   ??    0:00.00 nfsd: master (nfsd)
    0   682   680   0   4  0  3072     0 -      IW    ??    0:00.00 nfsd: server (nfsd)
    0   683   680   0   4  0  3072     0 -      IW    ??    0:00.00 nfsd: server (nfsd)
    0   684   680   0   4  0  3072     0 -      IW    ??    0:00.00 nfsd: server (nfsd)
    0   685   680   0   4  0  3072     0 -      IW    ??    0:00.00 nfsd: server (nfsd)
    0   705     1   0  96  0  3124    48 select Is    ??    0:00.01 /usr/sbin/timed
   53   809     1   0  96  0 17124   504 select Ss    ??    0:01.11 /usr/sbin/named -t /var/named -u bind
    1   859     1   0   4  0  3072    80 sbwait Is    ??    0:00.02 /usr/sbin/rwhod
    0   869     1   0  96  0  5504     0 select IWs   ??    0:00.00 /usr/sbin/sshd
    0   874     1   0  96  0  5848   296 select Ss    ??    0:00.11 sendmail: accepting connections (sendmail)
   25   880     1   0  20  0  5848     0 pause  IWs   ??    0:00.00 sendmail: Queue runner@00:30:00 for /var/spool/clientmqueue (sendmail)
    0   887     1   0   8  0  3152    68 nanslp Ss    ??    0:00.04 /usr/sbin/cron -s
    0   930     1   0  96  0  3180     0 select IWs   ??    0:00.00 /usr/sbin/inetd -wW -C 60
    0   954   930   0  96  0  3124    56 select Ss    ??    0:00.10 rlogind
    0  1001   930   0  96  0  3124    32 select Is    ??    0:00.07 rlogind
    0  1086   930   0  96  0  3124    44 select Ss    ??    0:00.12 rlogind
    0  1131   930   0  96  0  3124    32 select Is    ??    0:00.07 rlogind
    0  1180   949   0 -16  4  7008   380 vnread DNL   ??    0:06.16 fsck_ufs: /dev/ad0s1f p2 2% (fsck_ufs)
    0  1273   887   0  -8  0  3188   112 piperd I     ??    0:00.04 cron: running job (cron)
   91  1277  1273   0   8  0  2912     0 wait   IWs   ??    0:00.00 /bin/sh -c /usr/local/bin/python2.5 -S /usr/local/mailman/cron/gate_news
   91  1281  1277   1 -20  0  9840  3584 swread DL    ??    0:01.70 /usr/local/bin/python2.5 -S /usr/local/mailman/cron/gate_news
    0   951     1   0   5  0  3124     0 ttyin  IWs+  v0    0:00.00 /usr/libexec/getty Pc ttyv0
    0   952     1   0   5  0  3124     0 ttyin  IWs+  v1    0:00.00 /usr/libexec/getty Pc ttyv1
    0   953     1   1   5  0  3124     0 ttyin  IWs+  v2    0:00.00 /usr/libexec/getty Pc ttyv2
    0   946     1   0   8  0  2912     0 wait   IW   con-   0:00.00 sh /etc/rc autoboot
    0   947     1   0  -8  0  3072    92 piperd I    con-   0:00.01 logger -p daemon.notice -t fsck
    0   949   946   2   8  4  1888     0 wait   IWN  con-   0:00.00 fsck -B -p
    0   956   954   0   8  0  3560     0 wait   IWs   p0    0:00.00 login [pam] (login)
  200   957   956   0  20  0  2912     0 pause  IW    p0    0:00.00 -csh (csh)
  200  1046   957   0  96  0  3488   548 select S+    p0    0:01.05 top
    0  1003  1001   0   8  0  3560     0 wait   IWs   p1    0:00.00 login [pam] (login)
  200  1004  1003   0  20  0  2912     0 pause  IW    p1    0:00.00 -csh (csh)
    0  1047  1004   0  20  0  2912     0 pause  IW    p1    0:00.00 /bin/csh
    0  1292  1047   0   8  4  1888     0 wait   IWN+  p1    0:00.00 make
    0  1297  1292   0   8  4  2912     0 wait   IWN+  p1    0:00.00 /bin/sh -ec cd /usr/src;  PATH=/sbin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/usr/bin `if [ -x /usr/obj/usr/src/make.i386/make ]; then echo /usr/obj/usr/src/make.i386/make; else echo make; fi`  -m /usr/src/share/mk -f Makefile.inc1 all
    0  1299  1297   2   8  4  1888     0 wait   IWN+  p1    0:00.00 make -m /usr/src/share/mk -f Makefile.inc1 all
    0  1306  1299   1   8  4  2912     0 wait   IWN+  p1    0:00.00 (sh)
    0  1308  1306   2   8  4  1888     0 wait   IWN+  p1    0:00.00 make all DIRPRFX=lib/
    0  1309  1308   4   8  4  2912     0 wait   IWN+  p1    0:00.00 (sh)
    0  1311  1309   0   8  4  8032     8 wait   IN+   p1    0:03.52 make all DIRPRFX=lib/libc/
    0  1315  1311   0  -8  4  2912     8 piperd IN+   p1    0:00.01 [sh]
    0  1316  1315   0   8  4  2912     8 wait   IN+   p1    0:00.00 [sh]
    0  1317  1316   0   8  4  2912     8 wait   IN+   p1    0:00.07 [sh]
    0  1318  1316   0  -8  4  3072   204 piperd IN+   p1    0:00.06 tsort -q
    0  1321  1317   1  -8  4  3108   620 biord  DN+   p1    0:00.71 [nm]
    0  1322  1317   4  -8  4  3108   356 piperd SN+   p1    0:00.93 sed \n^I/ [TDW] / {\n^I^Is/:.* [TDW] / /\n^I^Iw /home/jhs/tmp/_symbol_.V8QsBUZ0\n^I^Id\n^I}\n^I/ U / {\n^I^Is/:.* U / /\n^I^Iw /home/jhs/tmp/_reference_.FFlwQeiQ\n^I}\n^Id\n
    0  1088  1086   1   8  0  3560     0 wait   IWs   p2    0:00.00 login [pam] (login)
  200  1089  1088   0  20  0  2912     0 pause  IW    p2    0:00.00 -csh (csh)
    0  1181  1089   0  20  0  2912   508 pause  S     p2    0:00.34 /bin/csh
    0  1323  1181   3  96  0  1888   356 -      R+    p2    0:00.01 ps -laxww
    0  1133  1131   0   8  0  3560     0 wait   IWs   p3    0:00.00 login [pam] (login)
  200  1134  1133   0  20  0  2912     0 pause  IW    p3    0:00.00 -csh (csh)
    0  1222  1134   0   5  0  2912    68 ttyin  I+    p3    0:00.29 /bin/csh
  951  v0  IWs+   0:00.00 /usr/libexec/getty Pc ttyv0
  952  v1  IWs+   0:00.00 /usr/libexec/getty Pc ttyv1
  953  v2  IWs+   0:00.00 /usr/libexec/getty Pc ttyv2
  946 con- IW     0:00.00 sh /etc/rc autoboot
  947 con- I      0:00.01 logger -p daemon.notice -t fsck
  949 con- IWN    0:00.00 fsck -B -p
  956  p0  IWs    0:00.00 login [pam] (login)
 1003  p1  IWs    0:00.00 login [pam] (login)
 1047  p1  IW     0:00.00 /bin/csh
 1292  p1  IWN+   0:00.00 make
 1297  p1  IWN+   0:00.00 /bin/sh -ec cd /usr/src;  PATH=/sbin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/
 1299  p1  IWN+   0:00.00 make -m /usr/src/share/mk -f Makefile.inc1 all
 1306  p1  IWN+   0:00.00 (sh)
 1308  p1  IWN+   0:00.00 make all DIRPRFX=lib/
 1309  p1  IWN+   0:00.00 (sh)
 1311  p1  IWN+   0:00.00 make all DIRPRFX=lib/libc/
 1357  p1  IWN+   0:00.00 (sh)
 1358  p1  IWN+   0:00.00 (cc)
 1359  p1  DNL+   0:04.50 [cc1]
 1360  p1  IN+    0:00.02 /usr/bin/as -o nsdispatch.po
 1088  p2  IWs    0:00.00 login [pam] (login)
 1133  p3  IWs    0:00.00 login [pam] (login)
 1222  p3  SW     0:00.00 /bin/csh
 1387  p3  R+     0:00.01 ps
  951  v0  IWs+   0:00.00 /usr/libexec/getty Pc ttyv0
  952  v1  IWs+   0:00.00 /usr/libexec/getty Pc ttyv1
  953  v2  IWs+   0:00.00 /usr/libexec/getty Pc ttyv2
  946 con- IW     0:00.00 sh /etc/rc autoboot
  947 con- I      0:00.01 logger -p daemon.notice -t fsck
  949 con- IWN    0:00.00 fsck -B -p
  956  p0  IWs    0:00.00 login [pam] (login)
 1003  p1  IWs    0:00.00 login [pam] (login)
 1047  p1  IW     0:00.00 /bin/csh
 1292  p1  IWN+   0:00.00 make
 1297  p1  IWN+   0:00.00 /bin/sh -ec cd /usr/src;  PATH=/sbin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/
 1299  p1  IWN+   0:00.00 make -m /usr/src/share/mk -f Makefile.inc1 all
 1306  p1  IWN+   0:00.00 (sh)
 1308  p1  IWN+   0:00.00 make all DIRPRFX=lib/
 1309  p1  IWN+   0:00.00 (sh)
 1311  p1  IWN+   0:00.00 make all DIRPRFX=lib/libc/
 1357  p1  IWN+   0:00.00 (sh)
 1358  p1  IWN+   0:00.00 (cc)
 1359  p1  DNL+   0:04.66 [cc1]
 1360  p1  IN+    0:00.02 /usr/bin/as -o nsdispatch.po
 1088  p2  IWs    0:00.00 login [pam] (login)
 1133  p3  IWs    0:00.00 login [pam] (login)
 1222  p3  SW     0:00.00 /bin/csh
 1395  p3  R+     0:00.01 ps
    0     0     0   0 -16  0     0     0 -      WLs   ??    0:00.32 [swapper]
    0     1     0   0   8  0  1888     8 wait   ILs   ??    0:00.04 /sbin/init 
    0     2     0   0  -8  0     0     8 -      DL    ??    0:00.47 [g_event]
    0     3     0   1  -8  0     0     8 -      DL    ??    0:33.99 [g_up]
    0     4     0   2  -8  0     0     8 -      DL    ??    0:20.48 [g_down]
    0     5     0   0   8  0     0     8 -      DL    ??    0:00.00 [kqueue tas
    0     6     0   0  -8  0     0     8 ccb_sc DL    ??    0:00.00 [xpt_thrd]
    0     7     0   0   8  0     0     8 -      DL    ??    0:00.00 [thread tas
    0     8     0   0  -8  0     0     8 -      DL    ??    0:00.04 [fdc0]
    0     9     0   0 -68  0     0    16 waitin DL    ??    0:00.00 [sctp_itera
    0    10     0   0 -16  0     0     8 audit_ DL    ??    0:00.00 [audit]
    0    11     0 295 171  0     0     8 -      RL    ??   45:29.99 [idle: cpu0
    0    12     0   0 -32  0     0     8 -      WL    ??    0:12.20 [swi4: cloc
    0    13     0   0 -36  0     0     8 -      WL    ??    0:00.00 [swi3: vm]
    0    14     0   0 -44  0     0     8 -      WL    ??    0:00.10 [swi1: net]
    0    15     0   0 -16  0     0     8 -      DL    ??    0:03.56 [yarrow]
    0    16     0   0 -24  0     0     8 -      WL    ??    0:00.00 [swi6: task
    0    17     0   0 -40  0     0     8 -      WL    ??    0:00.00 [swi2: camb
    0    18     0   0 -28  0     0     8 -      WL    ??    0:00.00 [swi5: +]
    0    19     0   0 -24  0     0     8 -      WL    ??    0:00.00 [swi6: Gian
    0    20     0   0 -64  0     0     8 -      WL    ??    0:14.08 [irq14: ata
    0    21     0   0 -64  0     0     8 -      WL    ??    0:00.03 [irq15: ata
    0    22     0   0 -68  0     0     8 -      WL    ??    0:00.70 [irq11: xl0
    0    23     0   0   8  0     0     8 usbevt DL    ??    0:00.00 [usb0]
    0    24     0   0   8  0     0     8 usbtsk DL    ??    0:00.00 [usbtask-hc
    0    25     0   0   8  0     0     8 usbtsk DL    ??    0:00.00 [usbtask-dr
    0    26     0   0 -60  0     0     8 -      WL    ??    0:00.00 [irq1: atkb
    0    27     0   0 -60  0     0     8 -      WL    ??    0:00.00 [irq7: ppbu
    0    28     0   0 -48  0     0     8 -      WL    ??    0:00.00 [swi0: sio]
    0    29     0   1 -16  0     0     8 wswbuf DL    ??    0:53.83 [pagedaemon
    0    30     0   0  20  0     0     8 psleep DL    ??    0:01.21 [vmdaemon]
    0    31     0   0 171  0     0     8 pgzero DL    ??    0:00.00 [pagezero]
    0    32     0   0 -16  0     0     8 psleep DL    ??    0:00.77 [bufdaemon]
    0    33     0   0  20  0     0     8 syncer DL    ??    0:00.55 [syncer]
    0    34     0   0  -4  0     0     8 vlruwt DL    ??    0:00.10 [vnlru]
    0    35     0   0 -16  0     0     8 sdflus DL    ??    0:00.18 [softdepflu
    0    36     0   0  12  0     0     8 -      DL    ??    0:00.86 [schedcpu]
    0   162     1   0  20  0  1888     0 pause  IWs   ??    0:00.00 adjkerntz -
    0   447     1   0  96  0  1888     0 select IWs   ??    0:00.00 /sbin/devd
    0   527     1   0  96  0  3124     0 select SWs   ??    0:00.00 /usr/sbin/s
    0   611     1   0  96  0  3152     0 select SWs   ??    0:00.00 /usr/sbin/r
    0   630     1   0  96  0  3072     0 select SWs   ??    0:00.00 /usr/sbin/a
    0   678     1   5  96  0  3124     0 select IWs   ??    0:00.00 /usr/sbin/m
    0   680     1  16  98  0  3072     0 select IWs   ??    0:00.00 nfsd: maste
    0   682   680   0   4  0  3072     0 -      IW    ??    0:00.00 nfsd: serve
    0   683   680   0   4  0  3072     0 -      IW    ??    0:00.00 nfsd: serve
    0   684   680   0   4  0  3072     0 -      IW    ??    0:00.00 nfsd: serve
    0   685   680   0   4  0  3072     0 -      IW    ??    0:00.00 nfsd: serve
    0   705     1   0  96  0  3124     0 select IWs   ??    0:00.00 /usr/sbin/t
   53   809     1   0  96  0 17124   480 select ILs   ??    0:03.61 /usr/sbin/n
    1   859     1   0   4  0  3072     0 sbwait SWs   ??    0:00.00 /usr/sbin/r
    0   869     1   0  96  0  5504     0 select IWs   ??    0:00.00 /usr/sbin/s
    0   874     1   0 -20  0  5848   308 swread DLs   ??    0:02.58 sendmail: a
   25   880     1   0  20  0  5848     0 pause  IWs   ??    0:00.00 sendmail: Q
    0   887     1   0   8  0  3152     0 nanslp IWs   ??    0:00.00 /usr/sbin/c
    0   930     1   0  96  0  3180     0 select IWs   ??    0:00.00 /usr/sbin/i
    0   954   930   0  96  0  3124     0 select SWs   ??    0:00.00 rlogind
    0  1001   930   0  96  0  3124     0 select IWs   ??    0:00.00 rlogind
    0  1131   930   0  96  0  3124     0 select SWs   ??    0:00.00 rlogind
    0  1180   949   0 -20  4  7008   208 swread DNL   ??    0:13.26 fsck_ufs: /
    0  1362   887   0  -8  0  3188    40 piperd I     ??    0:00.04 cron: runni
   91  1364  1362   0   8  0  2912     0 wait   IWs   ??    0:00.00 /bin/sh -c 
   91  1366  1364   0 -20  0  9840   600 swread DL    ??    0:05.13 /usr/local/
    0  1381   887   0  -8  0  3188    48 piperd I     ??    0:00.05 cron: runni
   91  1383  1381   0   8  0  2912     0 wait   IWs   ??    0:00.00 /bin/sh -c 
   91  1384  1383   1 -20  0  9840   332 swread DL    ??    0:04.54 /usr/local/
    0  1390   887   0  -8  0  3188    48 piperd I     ??    0:00.04 cron: runni
   91  1392  1390   0   8  0  2912     0 wait   IWs   ??    0:00.00 /bin/sh -c 
   91  1393  1392   0 -20  0  9732   840 swread DL    ??    0:03.78 /usr/local/
    0  1410   887   0  -8  0  3188    48 piperd I     ??    0:00.05 cron: runni
   91  1412  1410   0   8  0  2912     0 wait   IWs   ??    0:00.00 /bin/sh -c 
   91  1413  1412   0 -20  0  9656   328 swread DL    ??    0:02.95 /usr/local/
    0  1423   887   0  -8  0  3188    52 piperd I     ??    0:00.05 cron: runni
   91  1426  1423   0   8  0  2912     0 wait   IWs   ??    0:00.00 /bin/sh -c 
   91  1428  1426   0 -20  0  8620  1064 swread DL    ??    0:02.38 /usr/local/
    0  1452   887   0  -8  0  3188    52 piperd I     ??    0:00.04 cron: runni
   91  1454  1452   0   8  0  2912     0 wait   IWs   ??    0:00.00 /bin/sh -c 
   91  1455  1454   0 -20  0  7496   896 swread DL    ??    0:01.64 /usr/local/
    0  1465   887   0  -8  0  3188    60 piperd I     ??    0:00.05 cron: runni
   91  1468  1465   0   8  0  2912     0 wait   IWs   ??    0:00.00 /bin/sh -c 
   91  1470  1468   0 -20  0  7388   948 swread DL    ??    0:00.91 /usr/local/
    0  1487   887   0  -8  0  3188   244 piperd I     ??    0:00.05 cron: runni
   91  1490  1487   0   8  0  2912     0 wait   IWs   ??    0:00.00 /bin/sh -c 
   91  1492  1490   1 -20  0  5340  1460 swread DL    ??    0:00.21 /usr/local/
    0  1493     0   0   8  0     0     8 -      IL    ??    0:00.00 [nfsiod 0]
    0   951     1   0   5  0  3124     0 ttyin  IWs+  v0    0:00.00 /usr/libexe
    0   952     1   0   5  0  3124     0 ttyin  IWs+  v1    0:00.00 /usr/libexe
    0   953     1   1   5  0  3124     0 ttyin  IWs+  v2    0:00.00 /usr/libexe
    0   946     1   0   8  0  2912     0 wait   IW   con-   0:00.00 sh /etc/rc 
    0   947     1   0  -8  0  3072    28 piperd I    con-   0:00.01 logger -p d
    0   949   946   2   8  4  1888     0 wait   IWN  con-   0:00.00 fsck -B -p
    0   956   954   0   8  0  3560     0 wait   IWs   p0    0:00.00 login [pam]
  200   957   956   0  20  0  2912     0 pause  SW    p0    0:00.00 -csh (csh)
  200  1494   957   1  96  0  1888   296 -      R+    p0    0:00.01 ps -lax
    0  1003  1001   0   8  0  3560     0 wait   IWs   p1    0:00.00 login [pam]
  200  1004  1003   0  20  0  2912     0 pause  IW    p1    0:00.00 -csh (csh)
    0  1047  1004   0   5  0  2912     0 ttyin  IW+   p1    0:00.00 /bin/csh
    0  1292  1047   0   8  4  1888     0 -      TWN   p1    0:00.00 make
    0  1297  1292   0   8  4  2912     0 -      TWN   p1    0:00.00 /bin/sh -ec
    0  1299  1297   0   8  4  1888     0 -      TWN   p1    0:00.00 make -m /us
    0  1306  1299   0   8  4  2912     0 -      TWN   p1    0:00.00 (sh)
    0  1308  1306   0   8  4  1888     0 -      TWN   p1    0:00.00 make all DI
    0  1309  1308   0   8  4  2912     0 -      TWN   p1    0:00.00 (sh)
    0  1311  1309   0   8  4  8032     0 -      TWN   p1    0:00.00 make all DI
    0  1357  1311   0   8  4  2912     0 -      TWN   p1    0:00.00 (sh)
    0  1358  1357   0   8  4  1888     0 -      TWN   p1    0:00.00 (cc)
    0  1359  1358   0 -20  4 11412    16 -      TN    p1    0:08.25 [cc1]
    0  1360  1358   0  -8  4  1888    16 piperd TN    p1    0:00.02 /usr/bin/as
    0  1133  1131   0   8  0  3560     0 wait   IWs   p3    0:00.00 login [pam]
  200  1134  1133   0  20  0  2912     0 pause  IW    p3    0:00.00 -csh (csh)
    0  1222  1134   0  20  0  3936     0 pause  IW    p3    0:00.00 /bin/csh
    0  1461  1222   0   8  0  3184     0 wait   IW+   p3    0:00.00 crontab -e 
    0  1462  1461   0 -16  0  3372   732 vnread DL+   p3    0:00.27 vi /tmp/cro